
Let Us Help You Build a Better Writing Life

Is Your Writer Self Lonely, Frustrated, and Overwhelmed?

Does it feel as if the demands of daily life keep pulling you away from your writing? You have to be a perfect parent, partner, employee, and plan healthy meals and exercise and practice mindfulness and who’s got time for writing a poem?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the pressure to write AND promote yourself AND become a social media influencer?

Does it seem as if few of people understand your weird urge to go off alone for hours to get lost in your head, scribbling away at a poem or novel?

Do ever you wish the writing life weren’t so lonely?

Carrie Nelson, “Stressed”

How The Gloria Sirens Began

Lonely, frustrated, and overwhelmed was how I felt a decade ago. Having moved far from a university, I couldn’t find a community of like-minded writers. Luckily, at a writers conference I met other women who felt the same way. They were published writers and writing professors like me who’d figured out the deck was stacked against them in academia and in publishing simply for writing while identifying as female. They had devoted their careers to helping others find their voices and passions, balance their time, and nurture resiliency for long creative lives.

Lisa Lanser Rose, Andrew Brathwaite, Dawn Davies, Ann LaBar, Heather Jones, Suzannah Collins, Katie Riegel

At the time, in addition to the pressure to write and publish a certain way, we also felt pressure to create “author platforms.” Back then, an online presence just meant an author web page and a blog, but as you know, social media requirements and possibilities have multiplied exponentially.

By its very nature, self-promotion daunted us; it just didn’t sit right. Having lived in Pennsylvania, I knew about Amish barn-raising. I thought, “What if we shared the work?” What if we created a communal blog and promoted each other’s voices?

Little did I know that, behind the scenes, The Gloria Sirens would become such a robust community of sister-women!

Since then, whenever we present on panels, people praise our lively, respectful, supportive interactions. They often ask, “How can I become a Siren too?” Just as I did ten years ago, they crave community. The Gloria Sirens have taught me that community comes from recurrent interactions, a shared project, common values and experiences. You keep showing up. You keep sharing the work. 

We feel called to meet the need for community.

Wondering if “Sister Sirens” are only people born with a uterus? Katie Riegel has the answer.

Lisa Lanser Rose, Dawn Davies, Carrie Cole

That’s Why We’re Offering More Virtual Retreats

If you have a few minutes, we have a few questions. We Sirens have hosted several week-long virtual retreats for small groups of people. In a safe and supportive community, the retreats have focused on wellness for writers. In addition to real pragmatic writing workshops and advice, they fostered courage, inspiration, innovation, and long-term resilience. 

The virtual retreats went so well, we’re offering them to you too.

To help us prepare, we request your input.

What would you like these retreats to offer?

To make your input easy for you, we created this survey.

We’re Also Dreaming Up Siren Salons

Since the pandemic began in March 2020, we’ve been meeting weekly via Zoom. The regular meetings evolved into a kind of salon that are just too inspiring and satisfying not to share with you!

Therefore, once a month, we’d like to invite you to join us in a small, interactive group to discuss topics relevant to nurturing and promoting your voices.

The survey also asks what you’d want from a salon. 

Katie Riegel, Susan Lilley, Lisa Lanser Rose, and Tiffany Razzano

We’ve Got In-Person Retreats for You Too!

Katie Riegel, Lisa Lanser Rose, Ann LaBar, and Suzanne Heagy at the 2021 Sirens Summer Summit

At least once a year we also host what we call “Siren Summits,” where we gather in the real world to connect, collaborate, and rejuvenate.

In fact, we’re hosting a small real-world retreat or “Siren Summit” this June, which, unfortunately, is already booked.

But we have more in mind! We reserve a few adjacent hotel rooms or rent a house and spend our days conspiring, inventing, troubleshooting, meditating, hiking, creating, and, of course, eating.

If this sounds like something you would cherish as much as we do, please take a few minutes to let us know what you love and need by filling out this quick survey.


Whether virtually or in person, please join us in building better writing lives for yourselves and others.

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1 reply »

  1. I filled out the survey. Please disregard the question about why I wasn’t asked sooner. I’m glad to be asked now.

    I Read Banned Books



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