Tag: change

A Drop in the Ocean

Of course, there is no way I am going to fix a fractured world. There is no way I am going to fix even a fraction of it. But as Mother Teresa says, “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” Accepting that my contribution will be only a drop, the question becomes “where in the ocean will my drop fall?”

5 Small Steps to Save Our Democracy Right Now

Perhaps, like me, you’ve procrastinated your plans to emigrate to a healthy democracy. Or maybe, like most of us, you’re just queasy after years being force-fed for-profit, click-bait media that lionizes blowhards, puts scare quotes around “facts,” and sows doubt in our elections. Sometimes it seems as if the only good news is you can tune out by binge-watching Schitt’s Creek.

500 Lifetimes and Trying to Find My Own

I was looking for comfort of some kind when I read a friend and fellow writer’s post. He wrote that this is something that I am “500 lifetimes away from understanding.” He was saying it to the world, to white people, but I took it personally.  I hope that was his intention because it is changing me. Maybe trying to understand isn’t the best goal. Maybe taking it personally is a better one.