Tag: misogyny


What would the world be like if women could—and sometimes did—transform into dragons, eat their abusive husbands, light their empty houses on fire, and fly away to live peacefully on uninhabited islands, or in the ocean, or among the stars?

Sexual Abuse, Misogyny, and Donald Trump: “Women, you have to treat ’em like shit.”


Ignoring the voices of women perpetuates rape culture. But the latest news about Donald Trump isn’t being reported, except in The Huffington Post by Lisa Bloom, an attorney and a legal analyst for NBC News and AVVO. Bloom reports that a federal lawsuit has been filed against Donald Trump by a Jane Doe, alleging he raped her in 1994 when she was just 13 years old. (This, by the way, isn’t the first time Donald Trump has been accused of rape, Ms. Bloom reports in detail.)