Sister Sirens

A Word From My Sponsor

This goes all the way back to Virginia Woolf’s “A Room of One’s Own.” Money is linked to both physical and mental space, and those are definitely connected to the ability to be creative. Be sure to read the article from Salon that’s linked to in this post as well. What do you think, readers?

The Brevity Blog

About a year ago, I made a decision. The last relationship I had been in, with a partner who lived in a foreign country, had been very expensive. Flights, time away from work, opportunities chosen for nearness rather than maximum pay. Before that, I’d been the primary breadwinner in a long relationship, then dated an actor and a musician. This time, money was going to be an issue.

I set my online dating profile to the country I wanted to live in — a country with a high standard of living and lots of expats. When messages came in I checked the approximate income level of the job the message-writer claimed to have before responding.

Shallow? Sure. But I’m a white, cisgender woman with no kids. I got a lot of messages. Screening for income is no different than screening for age, height, looks, or doesn’t-post-racist-screeds-on-Facebook. Saying, “I’m not interested…

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Categories: Sister Sirens

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