Sister Sirens

Women Writers and Guilt, by Sarah Hackley

Guilt isn’t one of the 7 deadly sins, but it should be. Check out this post and know that you’re not alone.

“…Guilt that when I’m writing, I’m not making dinner for my family. Guilt that when I’m writing, I’m not playing legos with my son or painting my daughter’s toenails. Guilt that the living room is scattered with toys, the dishes are piling up, I haven’t washed the sheets in two weeks, and I can’t remember the last time I cleaned the bathroom. Guilt that I’m not spending time with my husband. Guilt because I know my writing time takes me away from my family and outside of the role society tells women we’re supposed to play…

By giving into the guilt, I’ve given into my insecurities, insecurities that claim I have no right to life as a woman writer. That women shouldn’t be writers. That the roles writer and woman are inherently at odds, because the role of the woman can never mesh with the life of the writer…”

Read the whole text here.



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5 replies »

  1. Reblogged this on Lisa Lanser Rose and commented:
    “By giving into the guilt, I’ve given into my insecurities, insecurities that claim I have no right to life as a woman writer. That women shouldn’t be writers. That the roles writer and woman are inherently at odds, because the role of the woman can never mesh with the life of the writer.” Perhaps it’s because writing is deemed “selfish?”


  2. Thank you for re-posting my article, Katie. It’s so wonderful to know others share our experiences. Knowing we aren’t alone helps us keep the guilt at bay. 🙂


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